Logo of Solly UAV, featuring a stylised white drone set against a red circular background with 'SOLLY UAV' text in white below the circle, all on a navy blue backdrop, emphasizing modern drone technology.

About us

At Solly UAV, our story is rooted in a lifelong passion for technology and innovation. Our founder has been fascinated by technology and robotics from an early age, constantly exploring and learning about the latest advancements. This deep-seated enthusiasm has been the driving force behind the creation of Solly UAV, where we combine cutting-edge drone technology with a visionary approach to deliver exceptional services.

With extensive experience working on multiple projects for well-known companies, our founder has played a crucial role behind the scenes, helping to test and improve products before their launch. This wealth of knowledge and hands-on expertise ensures that Solly UAV remains at the forefront of drone technology and innovation.

Our Mission

At Solly UAV, our mission is to revolutionise the drone services industry by delivering innovative, reliable, and efficient solutions tailored to our clients' needs. We are committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible with drone technology, providing unparalleled service quality and fostering a culture of continuous improvement and excellence.

We aim to make drones more affordable and accessible to everyone. Our goal is to expose people who have never experienced drones to their incredible capabilities and the myriad benefits they can bring to all aspects of life. Whether it's for personal use, business, or public service, we believe that drones have the potential to transform our world for the better.

Our Values

  • Innovation: Continuously exploring new ideas and technologies to stay at the cutting edge of the drone industry.

  • Accessibility: Making drone technology affordable and available to a wide audience, breaking down barriers to entry.

  • Education: Providing resources and knowledge to help people understand and utilise drones effectively.

  • Community: Building a community of drone enthusiasts and professionals who share our passion for technology and innovation.

  • Sustainability: Promoting the use of drones in ways that benefit the environment and society.

Our Vision

We envision a world where drones are an integral part of daily life, enhancing productivity, safety, and creativity. Our efforts are focused on educating the public about the diverse applications of drones, from aerial photography and agricultural monitoring to emergency response and environmental conservation. By demonstrating the practical benefits and innovative possibilities of drone technology, we strive to inspire a new generation of drone enthusiasts and professionals.

  • Expertise and Experience: Our team comprises highly trained pilots and technicians with extensive experience in operating drones across various industries and environments, ensuring precise and safe drone operations.

  • Cutting-Edge Technology: We utilise the latest drone technology to provide high-quality geospatial data, aerial imagery, and comprehensive surveying services, tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients.

  • Diverse Applications: From infrastructure inspection and construction monitoring to agricultural analysis, events, weddings, and sports coverage, our services cover a wide range of applications. We are equipped to handle projects of all sizes, offering bespoke solutions that exceed expectations.

  • Commitment to Excellence: By choosing Solly UAV, you are partnering with a company that values integrity, precision, and customer satisfaction. We are dedicated to delivering results that help you harness the power of drone technology to achieve your goals.

  • Community Engagement: We believe in educating and involving the community, showing the practical benefits and innovative possibilities of drones. Through workshops, demonstrations, and community events, we strive to inspire and educate future drone enthusiasts.

Why Choose Solly UAV?

 Contact us.

Ready to explore the possibilities with Solly UAV?

Contact us today to discuss how our drone services can benefit you. Whether you're interested in aerial photography, infrastructure inspection, or any other drone application, we are here to provide expert solutions tailored to your needs.