Frequently Asked Questions About Our Drone Services in Berkshire and South East UK

  • What services does Solly UAV provide?

    Solly UAV offers a range of drone services including aerial photography, videography, data capture, site inspections, and custom drone builds. We serve industries such as real estate, events, construction, agriculture, and more in Berkshire and South East UK.

  • How long does a typical drone survey take?

    The duration of a drone survey depends on the size and complexity of the site. Typically, it takes between a few hours to a full day.

  • Are your pilots licensed and insured?

    Yes, all our pilots are CAA-certified and fully insured to operate drones safely and legally.

  • What areas do you serve?

    Based in Berkshire, Solly UAV serves South East UK and is available for projects across the UK and internationally, subject to local regulations and requirements.

  • Can you customise drones for specific projects?

    Absolutely! We offer custom-built drones designed to meet specific project requirements in Berkshire, South East UK, and beyond.

  • What industries do you serve in Berkshire and South East UK?

    We provide drone services for a variety of industries including real estate, events, construction, agriculture, and creative productions.

  • What is the process to start a project with Solly UAV?

    Start with a free consultation to discuss your specific needs. We then conduct a health and safety assessment, followed by a detailed, no-obligation quote tailored to your project's requirements.

  • How do drones benefit real estate marketing?

    Drones provide stunning aerial shots that showcase properties from unique angles, creating immersive experiences that attract buyers and enhance listings.

  • What is FPV (First-Person View) flying?

    FPV flying offers a dynamic and immersive aerial perspective, ideal for capturing high-energy footage for events and creative productions.

  • Do you offer night flying services?

    Yes, we capture clear and stable footage in low-light conditions, perfect for night-time projects and urban landscapes.

  • How can drones enhance construction site monitoring?

    Drones provide detailed aerial inspections, progress monitoring, and safety compliance checks, making them invaluable for construction projects.

  • What are the benefits of using drones in agriculture?

    Drones enable precision farming techniques for crop health monitoring, spraying, and yield optimisation, improving overall farm efficiency.